Dear Mr EBEL







Dear Mr EBEL :

I have never been independent before. Any tips? What should I expect and be prepared for?

Sincerely –

Dear Snarkmeister:

Exciting times ahead. The leap from (corporate) employee to independent, can run the gamut of emotions (and very much so when not well prepared): fear, euphoria, exhilaration, confusion, defiance, doubt. It's a transition that comes with ups and downs, challenges and great rewards. While each leap will be different, expect some variation of the following:

Skepticism and/or envy. People who veer from the status quo – who take their own path – are all too often treated with suspicion. Even by family and friends. Some will profess “I wish I could do what you’re doing … but cannot, because reasons”. Or they’ll proclaim: “that will never work” or with incredulity “how could you abandon your career at – insert soul-sucking corporation”. Ignore these people or, should you feel so inclined, calmly explain why you’re opting for independence; you have good and well-considered reasons. Keep people who react with joy and enthusiasm, close – it’s good to have fans and independence-friendly friends. And in the end, you are part of a new tribe now; the professionally independent.      

Uncertainty; embrace it. One of the most significant changes you'll face is the absence of a stable, predictable salary, at least in the early days. As an independent, your earnings may (and will) fluctuate based on the projects you secure, the clients you serve, how you deliver your service(s) and how often, and if you have a single or multiple revenue streams (passive and active). This uncertainty can be unsettling at first, but it builds independent character, develops resilience and adaptability, and teaches you how to effectively leverage your brand platform.

Your time is your time. In the corporate world, your schedule is often dictated by others; managers (or employees), coworkers demanding your attention, (often pointless) meetings, deadlines, and fixed office hours. As an independent, you'll have the freedom to structure your day – any day – as you see fit. This freedom, however, comes with the responsibility of managing your time and your long-term schedule like a boss (or a pro). Actively seek to develop self-discipline, systems and prioritisation skills to ensure you meet your commitments, while maintaining a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. Enjoy your freedom responsibly (so that it lasts). 

Flexibility and autonomy on your own terms. Some of the most alluring and appealing aspects of professional independence are flexibility and autonomy (once your brand and business are up-and-running). Being selective about projects, types of client, and your service(s), and only going for work aligned with your strengths, interests and values. Enjoying the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time. This state of affairs can be highly liberating, allowing you to create a lifestyle that suits the real you and your personal circumstances – to be INDEPENDENT BY DESIGN.

Wearing multiple hats, some of them “funny”. As an independent professional, you'll be responsible for all or at the very least several aspects of your business, from marketing and sales to delivering value, staying on top of financials, customer support and client relations. You'll need to develop a diverse set of skills and be prepared to wear multiple (funny) hats throughout your day-to-day operations. You are no longer a small, replaceable cog in someone-else’s machine; you are the machine. 

Go forth and prosper –


Should I keep my job and be part-time independent at first, or go full-time independent directly?







How do I determine my rates and prices, without previous self-employment experience?







As a newly minted independent, should I charge per hour, use retainers or packages, or all of the the above?


